5 Tips for Saving on Your A/C Bill

5 Tips for Saving on Your A/C Bill

—By Kiera Butler   Despite the relentless series of heat waves that has scorched much of the US this month, for many people, sultry summers are a thing of the past: If you can’t stand the heat, just trot over to the thermostat and crank the central air. But as journalist Stan Cox reports in Losing Our…


5 Ways to Save Money on Air Conditioning

5 Ways to Save Money on Air Conditioning

Rejoice! You can keep cool without breaking the bank. The average homeowner spends about $375 on air conditioning. Here’s how to slash your summer energy bills without sacrificing too much comfort and save money on air conditioning. 1. Don’t just set it and forget it. If you have central air controlled by a thermostat, use…


Your 2015 Summer Air Conditioning Maintenance Checklist

Your 2015 Summer Air Conditioning Maintenance Checklist

Are you ready for summer? A better question might be is your air conditioner ready for summer? The hot summer season is when your Florida air conditioner works overtime and possibly around the clock. The best time to prevent an ac failure or costly repair is with preventative maintenance. Below are a few tips to…


The Key To Summer Comfort Is Servicing Your Air Conditioner

The Key To Summer Comfort Is Servicing Your Air Conditioner

Summertime is filled with good times, fun, and happiness. But it’s also filled with high temperatures – temps that can be almost unbearable at times. That’s why the miracle of air conditioning has been embraced by so many Americans. It offers a way to head inside and enjoy a reprieve from the summer heat. Of…
