—By Kiera Butler Despite the relentless series of heat waves that has scorched much of the US this month, for many people, sultry summers are a thing of the past: If you can’t stand the heat, just trot over to the thermostat and crank the central air. But as journalist Stan Cox reports in Losing Our…
DetailsYour HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems air filters should be changed not when they’re dirty but on frequently planned intervals. Your home’s air filters are like your cars oil filter. Only clean oil works effectively as a lubricant. If you wait to change your car’s oil and filter when it’s dirty, the performance…
DetailsYour heating and cooling system equipment runs best when properly maintained. One of the easiest ways to maintain your system is to change your filters on a regular basis. The more clogged your filters are, the more energy is wasted in trying to blow air through them. This makes it harder for your home to…
DetailsThe Hardy Outside Woodburning Furnace is designed to be located next to your firewood storage for convenient loading, normally twice a day. This removes the fire danger from your home and keeps wood, trash, smoke and ashes out of your home. The Hardy furnace does not require special equipment to transport or relocate. The furnace…